Saturday, August 8, 2009

Saturday Night

Here it is, Saturday night. Recently finished a great dinner of filet mignon on the grill and salad with tomatoes and mozerella and a good bottle of red wine. This was followed by a desert purchased from a french bakery today at lunch. Yummy. Eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we shall diet! Yes, that's right. Yet another attempt at dieting. How many times is this? Too many to count. We are going to Italy in a little more than 4 weeks and I weigh more than I ever have. Whether this is due to meds, perimenopause or just plain overeating and lack of exercise, I do not know. I do know that I am afraid I will have to request a seat belt extender on the airplane! Horror of horrors! I have been walking on my treadmill for 1 mile a day about 5 days per week for several weeks and haven't lost one ounce! Whether I will be able to stick to an eating plan for a month, I do not know. More to be revealed in the days and weeks ahead.

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