Saturday, June 30, 2007

Backyard Birds

We have three bird feeders set up in our yard--the window feeder in the previous post with the bluebird, this box feeder, and a "Yankee Twirler" (metal bar the encircles the base of the feeder and spins when the weight of a squirrel lands on it). We get a lot of cardinals. We also have at least one pair of red-bellied woodpeckers that have produced the baby pictured here. We had been watching the mother (could it have been the father?) coming to our box feeder and carrying seeds back to the baby perched on the side of a tree. After many days of this, the baby finally ventured down to the feeder. No red spot on his head yet. Once the red feathers appear on the head, they quickly get hard to distinguish from the adult birds. Today I saw a baby downy woodpecker at our window feeder. The window feeder was filled with unshelled sunflower seeds and the downy woodpecker perched on the side of the feeder and commenced tossing out the seeds. Finally, I shooed (how do you spell "shoed"?) him away because he wasn't eating any of them. We also occasionally see a red headed woodpecker.


Mary said...

We have a lot of cardinals, too. I like the females even though they are harder to photograph than the brazen males.

I have red-bellied woodpeckers, too, but only when the suet is out. I haven't seen a baby woodpecker yet. Nice shot!

Not much activity around my feeders lately - I think the birds get hot, too, and prefer to sit in the shade.

KGMom said...

I think "shooed" is correct.
Love the baby woodpecker.
And I am intrigued with those feeders you have.
Do squirrels get at them?
We have TOOOO many squirrels around here!

possumlady said...

I've always wanted a platform feeder. I just assumed the squirrels would take it over and eventually knock it down. One of the outside cats caught one of my "baby", well, juvenile jays this morning. By the time I got outside though the jay had gotten away!! Whew!

cat59 said...

Whew. . .close call for that baby Jay. The squirrels do get into the platform feeder. My husband hung it from one of those metal poles that you stick in your yard, hoping that would keep them out, but, of course, they can climb the pole. So they do get a bit of food from that feeder along with the birds. DH (that's web speak for "Dear Hubby," right?) puts deluxe food in there specifically to attract woodpeckers and he is willing to let the squirrels get some of it. A couple of times a day, the dogs chase the squirrels away from the feeder. We also get woodpeckers at our small window feeder and they really have to contort themselves to access the seed, but I guess they really like those sunflower seeds, as well! Hope all have a good day. I better start doing some work--got meeting minutes to write, which I always procrastinate about, but when I actually write them, it's not that bad.

KGMom said...

And here I thought DH meant Designated Husband!

cat59 said...

Maybe it does. What do I know! :-)

Anvilcloud said...

Love the cardinals, but there aren't nearly as many around Ottawa and there were in Sarnia (where we used to live).