Sunday, September 30, 2007

Dieting, Again?

No, not really, because I never got off the ground (so to speak) with that last diet (or the 3 since I wrote that post). In fact, as I so often do when even thinking about dieting, I've gained about 5-8 lbs. I am now feeling really uncomfortable in my biggest clothes. Not good!

I don't remember if I've posted about this before, but I am going with DH to Laguna Beach on Oct. 12 - 17. One of the organizations he manages is having a meeting out there and I am tagging along, which I try to do when he goes to particularly nice locations. Then, 3 weeks later, I am going to Chicago for the annual conference of the national organization I belong to. After that, we are going to NYC to visit DH's son for the week before Christmas. So, I have all of these occasions coming up and a shrinking wardrobe (Oh; I guess it's not shrinking literally. If it were only true!)

So, here's my latest plan. This morning we went to a favorite breakfast place and I had blueberry pancakes, which I had been craving. Now, I must put that behind me (oops; it's hard to write this post without making these types of references). I am setting some rules:

No wine or alcohol of any kind (empty calories that make me lose my inhibitions about eating more).
No sweets or processed foods except those I deem "diet" foods such as low-cal fudge bars, yogurt, sweetened low-fat ricotta, etc.
No eating after 8:00 p.m. except for one bowl of cereal or one diet treat (I find I really need some comfort food before bed.)
Remember at every meal that the stomach is only about as large as a fist and try not to stretch it out!
Lots of water.
And, finally, a promise to myself to use my rowing machine 10 minutes per day. I know that's not a lot but maybe it is enough to help me tone some muscles--particularly the upper arms (you ladies know what I mean).

My goals are to have my biggest clothes fit comfortably by the time we go to Laguna Beach and have them be loose by the time I go to Chicago. And, finally, to be in the next size down by the time we go to NYC. I really think these goals are reasonable. Wish me luck!!


Anvilcloud said...

I need to join you -- after next weekend, which is our Thanksgiving. No sense in getting too steamed up before then.

possumlady said...

Oh, you have much more willpower then I! May the force be with you, and best of luck!!

cat59 said...

Anvilcloud: I hope you enjoy your Thanksgiving. I take it is a time of much feasting as it is here in the U.S.?

Possumlady: How do you know? I haven't done anything yet!

karen said...

Oh, Cathie, don't you know women's upper arms are not tonable!! It is an impossible task.

cat59 said...

Hi Karen! Well, maybe something will get toned! I did manage to force myself to use the rower for 10 minutes today. Yipee for me!

Mary said...

I'm with ya, sista. My big clothes aren't big enough right now, either.

Reading this reminded me that I have a bag of chips in my top right-hand desk drawer. I'm munching one now.

I like your plan and it's completely workable! Good luck!