Wednesday, July 18, 2007

The Return of Rocket! (plus Facts 4&5)

Well, it's time for Fact #4 & 5 (I thought I would write about them together because they both seem to involve some kind of commitment phobia.), however, first, news about our wildlife! Rocket is back!! When DH got home tonight, he was refilling the bird feeders when he came across Rocket Girl near our crawl space door. Not wanting her to disappear before I got home, he put her in the pond:

When I got home, we took her out and placed her on the ground with some dried fruit (out of blueberries).
Here she eyes a dried cranberry:

And goes for it! (stepping on the white raisin in the process)

Rocket Girl update: DH says she is back in the pond of her own volition. We've got to put in a ramp!

Okay; just back from putting a piece of split firewood at one corner of the pond. I placed her on it--half in and half out. We'll check on her later.

On to changing jobs and changing homes. I feel like making this quick. Reasons I've changed jobs: to move up; to de-stress; to try being a full-time homemaker (if you know me, this is a laugh riot); to travel; to have more flexibility; to go to school. Thing that made this possible (beyond changing jobs to move up, which I mostly did before I got married): marrying a man who had the potential to make a good living and whose passion was to make me happy. Problem with this strategy--I'm never happy for long. Why he still loves me: I don't know!

Now, moving: my family did that a lot before my parents bought their first house when I was 12. They stayed put for a long time after that. When I met DH, I had just purchased a small town house in the suburbs and he was renting a town house closer in, which meant my mortgage payments were a lot less than his rent payments. Therefore, first move was from his place to mine. Next move to get a bigger townhouse. Next purchase to move closer to town; next purchase to move to a bigger house, then back to a smaller house to save money; then to a house in a small town to set up shop as potters (more on that under "I love clay"); next move to another big city for DH's job; next move to a small city for DH's job (because he hated the previous job). Final two moves: one to be closer to school during my graduate work (neither one of us can stand long commutes); one to the current house, close to both of our jobs and a house that we love.

Whew; that's it for tonight. Hope all are well.


KGMom said...

I am exhausted--following you around. That's a real contrast to me--same house since 1980! And only one house before that.
YAY--Rocket has returned.

Anvilcloud said...

I'm with kgmom — not a bog fan of moving.

Anvilcloud said...

I'm not a BIG fan either. :)

Mary said...

HA! Donna is funny. I've moved a lot, too, Cathie. Usually job related (husband).

I like your statement, I'm never happy for long. LOL! I can relate.

Take care of Rocket the raisin squisher.